Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Think We're Set!

94 1/2 quarts later, we're done!
Now for the clean-up...
Owen wanted to have nothing to do with the tiny bite sized pieces of banana, he just grabbed the whole thing and went at it!  (I hesitate to post this picture because I just found out that I'm not supposed to feed bananas to my baby until he's a year old.  Really?  My other boys survived so far...  Is it for allergy reasons?  I've never heard of anyone allergic to bananas, but maybe everyone had good mothers that didn't give them bananas until they were one.  But isn't the baby food aisle full of Stage One Mashed Bananas?  I'm confused!)
Tristan is very excited to work like Daddy.
Napping on the job...or on the junk pile...

Notice the new rubber boots that were handed down to the boys from our friend Beren.  Now check out what these boys can do with them!


Jessica said...

Those are great! Yummy at the peaches... save some for me! =0) and pff on the banana thing...."they" say that about heaps of things!!! im sure he (& kenna 2!) will survive!! love the pics of the boys napping!

Jason and Sue said...

So I was looking up the banana thing... maybe it has something to do with whole bananas cause they definitely recommend mashed bananas as a starter solid food.....hmmmm...
by the way...your peach jars look amazing. You should seriously consider entering them in the fair. I smell a blue ribbon winner!!

Neisha said...

haha! love the pic of the boys resting on the job :)

Jenny said...

I was thinking the same as jason. or sue. :)
Probably has to do with whole bananas, but ditto what Jessica said.
Aren't you glad I left a comment? Nothing like repetition!!

Tawn said...

Sigh, the food police for babies never rest. Probably the parents in Central America have fed their babies bananas for centuries without having a population decrease from allergies. (and some cultures give their babies mashed peanuts as starter foods without significant allergies, and babies throughout history didn't have "rice cereal" type foods, or stage whatever gerber jars!) i'll step off my soap box now, as you Sarah are one of the best moms at feedings your boys in a normal way that i've seen.

Carolyn said...

How sweet to see the nephews have inherited my dancing skills... So glad you have this blog

Ariana said...

ha! i actually have a slight allergy to bananas. they make my throat itchy and a little swollen. but i'm sure they are fine, since he ate it so successfully! :) hope the family is well! based on this blog, it seems you guys are doing great. will we be seeing you at thanksgiving in wisconsin this year?

Anonymous said...

i agree with what everyone else has said. =) that said...we have to use "latex precautions" with our boys because of the numerous surgeries and higher chance of latex exposure. one of the things that's on the latex list is bananas. i still feed them bananas-but not like they're going out of style or anything, and they've both been fine so far. from what i understand people develope latex allergies from repetitive use, so maybe if a parent ALWAYS fed their baby bananas they'd get a reaction...? but then again, sometimes all it takes is one exposure to have an allergy too...