Monday, September 20, 2010


I had a few things I wanted to share with you that the boys have done or said lately.

Owen loves food.  While he's eating he just keeps saying, "Mmm, nummmm, mmmm."  I haven't found a food that he doesn't like yet.  He has also starting pulling himself up on things.  He gets himself up there and stands for awhile and then starts a desperate whine, because he can feel that his legs aren't going to hold up much longer.  I try to get to him before that happens!  He also scoots a little bit to get toys that are out of reach.

Wade asked what these things were in our room.  I told him that they were cow hides.  (I know...cow hides in our room....don't ask!)  The next day he pointed to them and said, "Look, mom, a cow is hiding!"

Tristan fell asleep at about 6 pm and slept until 9:30 pm.  He woke up, put on some fresh underwear, fresh clothes, and told me he had his morning clothes on.  He thought it was morning!  I had a hard time convincing him it was night time!  They usually wake up before the sun is out, so I couldn't even use the dark of night to convince him!

I overheard Wade playing meeting with a teddy bear.  Here was his prayer:

Father we thankful that we go to meeting.
We thankful that we go to the new house.
We thankful that we have fresh pancakes.
We thankful that we have Owen's high chair.

1 comment:

Neisha said...

better to have cows hiding in your bedroom then to have a deer hanging out on your wall like we did for awhile :)