Today we had a busy morning. We got a lot "accomplished" by noon. Here is a picture summary of our morning.
We left about 8:30 for a walk. On our way into town we saw this beautiful bird on the side of the sidewalk. He was obviously injured or sick, because he didn't fly away when we got close to him. Also, on our way back he was just about in the same spot hopping around. (No, we didn't put him in a box and bring him home to nurse him to health. There's enough of the swine flu going around, we don't need the bird flu, too!)
Sometimes I wonder where people get their landscaping ideas... I mean really! (By the way, this is NOT my yard, in case there were any questions.)

The mushroom that Shawn carved with his chainsaw last year.

The beautiful trees on the convention grounds just blooming.

I'll admit, I wasn't sure if Phil had enough hair to cut, but against all odds, we watched Doris give Phil a haircut. :)

Jason was up at the convention grounds tiling a shower. Yes, I know, it doesn't look like he's tiling, but he was cutting hardibacker to put in the shower.

Bella (and Andy) was there too!


Ron working on the boiler, prepping it for convention.

Chelan has some pretty decent walkways for strollers. However, some of the corners don't have the little ramps that are handy for strollers, and some of the nice ramps don't have sidewalks. Interesting...

Admiring our flowers in bloom.

Admiring our neighbors much nicer flowers in bloom.

We watched some Chelan baseball.
We also went to the library, but I think it was about 12:10 when we got there, so I didn't count it. :) Ok, so it wasn't very exciting, but we had fun! We also blew bubbles, but I can't believe I didn't get a picture of that!! Good thing we were done shortly after noon, because it started raining off and on for the rest of the day!
Good to see Phil on your blog. Thanks for posting the picture.
I see that is a Stellar's Jay. Maybe that one is just too YOUNG to fly away!
I never understood the toilet in the yard thing. I've seen a bathtub too.
pretty bird
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