Friday, May 22, 2009

Silly Wade

You probably watched the video a couple of posts ago, where Wade raises his hand and says, "Me!" when asked who wants a sandwich. Anyway, he says "Me" for everything now. This morning at Carolyn's house, Wade was sitting on a stool at the counter eating his waffle. Rylan, Jared, Rachelle, and Carolyn were all in the kitchen as well, having their breakfast. Either Rylan or Jared had left the bread bag open on the counter, and Carolyn asked, "Who left the bread bag open?" Wade immediately responds, "Me!" with his hand in the air. Rachelle follows with, "Who plugged up the toilet? Wade immediately raises his hand, "Me!" We all just cracked up laughing! Poor little guy, taking the blame for everything! :) Wish I could have gotten it on video, but I did get a video a little later that I will post for you.