Owen Mitchell Sanderson was born yesterday at 3:14 am. I went into labor all on my own!!! I had been having contractions for about 4 days, but they weren't very regular. Sunday night at about 9:30 pm we started noticing that they were a little more regular, but not painful at all. They were about 5 min apart. I fell asleep at 10:30 to contractions that were still regular, but not at all painful. I woke up at 11:15 to harder contractions. I woke up Jason at 11:30 and we decided about Midnight that we had better head to the hospital. We checked into the hospital at 12:15 am and Owen was born 3 hours later. It was fun to actually go into labor rather than be induced! I ended up having a natural birth, although that wasn't necessarily my intention. It just seemed that it went fast and there wasn't a lot of time. I pushed for about 1/2 hour, and the pushing wasn't nearly as unbearable as it had been for my first 2! Owen was born weighing 7 lbs 15.5 oz and was 20 in long. He is very healthy and cute!! :) He has a dimple in his left cheek that he shows off when he cries! :) He didn't have a name for the first 12 hours of his life, we were just calling him Noname Yet Sanderson. We were discharged from the hospital this morning and are very excited to be home with our 3 boys!!! I will put some pictures up from our day, and hopefully will get some more up soon.
6 years ago