Monday, January 10, 2011


The workers stayed with us this weekend, and Bob is very handy.  He wanted to help Jason with a project, so they hung the upper cabinets.  

I am very excited about them!  Now I just need to unpack all of my dishes and fill them up!  Actually I don't think I could even fill half of the space I have, especially once my pantry is completed.  That's ok though, I know how fast empty space gets filled!

Excuse the mess, I was fixing dinner in the construction zone as well!

One of the best parts is that all of those cabinets were being stored here, in my dining room.  Now that the dining room has been emptied out, we might be able to put our table there!  Another yippee!


Neisha said...

the cabinets look nice! much better on the walls then in the dining room :)

Jessica said...

Looking pretty awesome!

Melissa said...

That looks great! I'm sooo drooling over the pictures of your kitchen!

The Chairman's Wife said...

yout kitchen lay-out looks like a cook's dream! enjoy!