Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Potty Trained?

Yesterday was the first day that Tristan went completely accident free for the whole day! (I think....we did spend quite a bit of time in the lake, but who doesn't pee in the lake?) He has been wearing underwear for almost a week now. He is getting better and better about going in and going potty by himself. I made a potty chart for him, so after he goes 10 times he gets a present. Convention starts today, so his presents have been a coloring book, crayons, and a puzzle to use at convention. It may be a challenge having accidents at convention. I guess we'll see how it goes... I haven't even started crossing the bridge of nap time and night time. He still likes a sippy cup of water in bed with him, so his diapers are pretty wet when he wakes up. I figure we can worry about that some other time. He likes to show people his underwear and show them how he goes potty. He even went potty for the webcam so that Grandpa and Grandma could watch! haha
My youngest pup

Mike, Tawn, and Gwyndolyn came to visit this weekend. Mike and Jason spend a lot of time solving the world's problems.

After work day Saturday, we hit the beach.

Mike, Gwyndolyn, and Buck

Justin, Pam, and Dakota joined us, too!

The three little munchkins! Wade is 15 months, Dakota is 10 months, and Gwyndolyn is 11 months.

Tristan takes Gwyndolyn for a Sunday morning spin.

We have been going to the beach just about everyday. Wade likes to play in the sand and wade in the water....of course Wade likes to wade.

Tristan, however, likes to swim!!

"This is so much FUN!"

The boys in their blanket tent.

Yesterday, Tristan wanted to go to "school." He had his backpack, hat, and a watering can, of course!


Randy and Amy said...

You have just about the cutest boys ever!!!

Neisha said...

way to go Tristan!

Kari D. said...

You are such a faithful fan. ;)
A little applause your way too. What cuties you have. And they're growing up! Potty trained...that is a milestone. I hope you had a wonderful convention.

tbdch said...

oh my are your kids cute! are you coming to the b&b wedding?