I'm sorry that I haven't let very many people know what has been happening with us! We have lots of news and some new pictures that I will try to get up soon. At the last minute before school started, I got an email saying that there was an immediate opening in a middle school for a teacher. I was planning on just subbing, because I hadn't found a job yet for this school year. I applied and 2 days later I got a 7th grade math teaching position! I was hired last week and just finished my first day of school! It has been a little crazy trying to get everything organized and ready, but somehow the first day happened, and it wasn't too tragic! :) The school is called Icicle River Middle School and it is in Leavenworth, Washington. That means I have to commute about an hour and 20 minutes one-way. Yikes!! It is a beautiful drive, though, and so far I've enjoyed it. I really like the school and the other teachers. They've been very supportive! This past weekend we went camping at Lake Roosevelt. There were about 25 in our group, and we had a lot of fun relaxing, boating, etc. One of the campers is my new student! His family is some of the friends here! My belly is still growing and I'll try to get another picture up soon. Please leave me a comment and let me know how you are doing! Otherwise email me at sesanderson001@hotmail.com!!
hi! good to hear ur alive and well! thats awesome u got that teaching job. cant wait to see updated tummy pics.
Congrats on the new job! Hope it all goes well. Just waiting to see that growing tummy!
So glad to hear everything is working out for you guys! We are in Seattle showing off Carter to friends and family for the week. Just a little too far to drive to see you guys this time, but we would love to make the trip over the mountains sometime and join in on one of those fun camping trips. Take care!
hi sarah and jason. how did your first day at school go? mine went ok. i don't really want to be back at school though. love you guys
Hi Jason and Sarah- Wow! your baby has really grown since last time we saw you! congrats on the new job Sarah! Hope to see you before too long!
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