Sunday, September 23, 2012

Smoky September

We are starting week 3 of smoke, smoke, and more smoke with no end in sight!  But there's not much in sight, so I guess that's not saying much!  I can see the lake today, but not across it, so I guess that is a slight improvement!  
Last Saturday was the first annual Pirate Fest with a Pirate Parade.  It was interesting...

None of the boys wanted to pose with the scary pirate...not sure why...

We went up to Waterville for the day because our big camping trip got canceled due to smoke.  We enjoyed spending the day with everyone and it was so nice to have a slight reprieve from the smoke!

Yep, that's blue sky!!!  In Waterville, not Chelan, but at least we got to breathe it for awhile!

Jason and Owen picking yummy grapes at Jason and Sue's new house.

Enjoying  being outside.

The boys had fun with Branson in his big bath tub!

Back to Chelan and the smoke.  It is recommended that you don't go outside and if you do that you wear a mask.  Not fun!  All sports have been canceled for over a are inside at recess and everyone is coughing with sore throats.  The fires around us are still growing, plus there is a lot of back burning going on, so the smoke probably won't go away for quite awhile..unless we get some rain!  Hoping for that!  
September is my favorite month in Chelan.  Everyday is in the 80s and sunny, although you can't see the sun now of course.  The tourists are gone for the most part and September is the perfect month just to sit out on the deck in the evenings and enjoy!  I feel very cheated out of my September!  I forgot to mention the general shortness of breath and lethargy that everyone is experiencing.  Not enough oxygen in the air?  I'm not sure!

We did get to make it to Conrad's 5th birthday party!  It was the first Wade and Owen had been out of the house all week except for meeting.

1 comment:

Lani said...

Oh yuck. That looks and sounds awful. I can't even imagine! :P Glad you got away from it for a little bit. That can't be healthy. The boys are getting so big! Cuties.