Monday, April 23, 2012

A Weekend of Firsts

This was the first time we've ever attended 2 fire truck birthdays in 2 days!!  The boys can't get enough fire trucks, though, so it was more than fine with them!!!
Kellen turned 3!!

FF Jones was very patient with the onslaught of rugrats!

Very cool (hot) cupcakes!

We went to our first baseball game of the year!!  I know, I took a beautiful picture of the chain link fence!  That's Jared!  He just threw the 3rd out and was walking back to the dugout where he promptly got a base hit and then stole 2nd!

Chelan's 1st festival of the season was the Earth Day festival!  Tristan had fun painting.

It was so hot that we had to bust out the splash pad and the slip and slide for the first time!

Sweet soaking-wet Finn!

Our first BBQ outside of the season!!  Yum!!

Fire truck birthday #2!

Even Sparky came!

Different kids, same truck!  :)

Owen likes little Faryn!

Logan turned 4!

After gospel meeting we got some dinner and ate at a park down on the river in Wenatchee.

And then today because it was so nice and hot we had our first beach day of the season!  

The temp was 80 or so, but the water is still quite cold!!  I don't know how these guys do it!

Another first of the year!  It's warming up, so out come the snakes!


Lani said...

Summertime's a coming, isn't it? :) Fun times/fun pictures! The boys are getting so big!

the homestead girl said...

And here I thought that we were rockin' the warm weather when I could take off my sweatshirt. Lucky bums! We'll have to come visit soon!