Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oroville Weekend

Tawn and I went to the Breadline in Omak for lunch.
All the pictures that are grainy can be seen clearly on Tawn's website.

Tawn, Gwyndolyn, Wade, and I

Playing in the park.

Wade loves attention from girls, especially cute ones dressed in cat outfits.

Sometimes he'll even give them a kiss.

Tristan had fun sliding

and swinging.

Wade giggled the whole time

While we were doing all those fun things, Mike and Jason were quail hunting. I tried not to get too good of a picture of this process. The quail tasted pretty good, though.

The three kidlets

1 comment:

Wayne and Marilyn said...

That was such a cute story about Tristan driving his car into your room and climbing into bed with you!! and Wade - does he ever stop smiling? Every single picture he is smiling!!! I can't stand just looking at the pictures and not being able to kiss them, hug them, talk to them and even change their diapers.

Signed - a lonesome and faraway Grandma Kissyface :)